Saturday, March 7, 2009

Illuminating Demonstration

Standing in front of my first-graders on Friday, I ask them what the rules of taking tests are.

As usual, many of them raise their hands. One little girl states that we should "not look at friend's paper". Someone else reminds us that we do "not talking".

Then one bright, innocent boy raises his hand, and I call on him. He states, very animatedly and with actions, that
we should not drop our pencil or eraser on the ground, (he demonstrates), then stand up to get it and meanwhile, glance
at our friend's paper (demonstration again).

I look at my co-teacher who is sitting in the back of the room grading papers, and neither of us can contain our laughter
as this seemingly simple technique had never crossed our minds!

These little kids are getting smarter by the day!

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