Friday, December 14, 2007

India we have arrived

Hi all,
Well, here we are, our trip stops for awhile, in Mumbai.
First impressions -- lots and lots of people. Crumbling buildings, a film of dirt covering everything, including the keyboard I'm typing on, lots of pollution, and a little stinky.
Hello Bombay!
For me, I really enjoyed Dubai, and what else we saw of the UAE. The Muslim call to prayer eminated all around us 5 times a day and was incredibly beautiful and soulful. I can easily see the lure. Things were clean, people were kind, and modesty was the norm.
While sitting in our small hotel's lobby in Dubai, I had a great conversation with a woman performing the Hajj. This is the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca that every Muslim strives to complete at least once in their life. She was originally from Morocco, but was living with her Indian husband in Malawi. She wore the traditional bedouin black garment, covering all but her face, which was strikingly beautiful. A young mother of two, she was easy to talk with, and was excited to be on her first pilgrimage. We talked about shopping, travelling, and then religion, and it was an easy conversation. She was suprised and happy to hear that I'm quite familiar with Islam.
The Muslim world is vast and varied, and there is a lot for the West to learn. There must be no better way to do this than from Muslims themselves, and I hope I get more chances to have such enlightening conversations.
Anyway, back to Bombay. We slept all day today so haven't seen much. But we'll be here for awhile, so we're in no hurry.
Will keep you all posted!

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